Motherhood Sessions in Suttons Bay, MIchigan
“It goes by so fast, you should enjoy every moment!” Did you receive this unsolicited advice at some point in your motherhood journey like I did?
The heart behind it means well but in truth, I didn’t enjoy every moment.
Those sleepless nights; the afternoons when you’ve tried every idea possible but still can’t pull your little one out of his funk; the first time you had no idea what to do with her behavior; letting those older kids spread their wings bit by bit. It can feel exhausting, redundant, scary even, to embark on this motherhood journey.
I have good news for you, it’s ok if you don’t enjoy every moment!
But even if every moment isn’t enjoyable, there are the things you never ever want to forget. They way her hand fits in your, his sweet little boy smell and how he belly laughs when you kiss his cheeks.
You want to remember the first time she came to you asking for help navigating friendships, and how he looks the first time he takes the driver’s seat of the car.
You can’t stop time, but you can preserve it . . . and I can help you!
My limited edition Motherhood Sessions will help you preserve your relationship with your kiddos by providing you with twenty uninterrupted minutes to fully enjoy being with each other. No pressure to perform or act in a certain way, simply enjoy the heck out of being together and savoring what you love about each other. The result will be stunning photographs of you and the ones you love best.
Yes, you are in the frame!
I get it, I have all sorts of objections about myself before getting in front of the camera, but I have realized over time, these photographs of me in the frame with my boys, aren’t just for me, they are for them. My boys will see that we enjoyed life together that we had a connection, that we loved each other well. What can be a greater gift to pass on to them?
So are you ready? If you’d like to join in on a Motherhood Session and walk away with beautiful photographs capturing a slice of your motherhood journey, join me on Saturday, April 23 in Suttons Bay, Michigan. Here are the details:
$200 (+tax) session fee includes:
20-minute motherhood experience
$200 print credit at your ordering appointment
A beautiful card for you to personalize a note to your child(ren)
I can’t wait to work with you to preserve a moment in your motherhood journey. It’s a commitment you’ll be so glad you made!