Three Reasons for a Newborn Photography Session | Northern Michigan Newborn Photography
Your sweet babe is home and you’re caught in between savoring each new moment together and keeping your eyes open and your foggy brain clear and focused. I get it! I’ve been there! Those moments when you sit holding him and trying to breathe in his scent so deeply you’ll never forget it. It is a beautiful time in your life, one you won’t experience again. Even if this is your third child, it is so different from the first and second times around.
The good news is your foggy brain doesn’t need to remember it all. Scents, sounds, and physical items are amazing at helping those memories come rushing back.
I allowed myself to sit and relive those moments that had passed too quickly.
I remember unpacking my first son’s newborn clothing, getting it ready for the arrival of my second. Although they are just two years apart, each item I took out of the box brought back a precious memory I had forgotten, whether it was about who had given the item to us, where I had purchased it, or remembering my first son in that item. I allowed myself to sit and relive those moments that had passed too quickly. I am no neuroscientist but there has to be positive effects on our brains when we recall precious memories.
Photos do the same thing. Having a beautiful album to flip through not only helps you recall those beautiful, difficult days of a having a newborn, it provides an opportunity for you to connect with your child as the two of you flip through the album together when she is older.
A recorded heritage gives every child self-esteem.
She’ll giggle at the stories you tell her about the mistakes you made. Remember that time you put the milk back in the cupboard instead of the refrigerator because you were so tired?
And he will soak in the moments you recall the songs you sang to rock him to sleep. My 11 year old still hums the song I sang to him as a baby. What I wouldn’t give to have a photograph of me holding him singing that very song! Even more profound would be a photo album of my mom with me when I was a new babe.
And while your child is relishing in your love by looking through those photographs, you are recalling your own personal growth. There’s nothing like children that make us grow and change so quickly inside.
Motherhood makes us wiser, softer, stronger in so many ways and that’s definitely something to celebrate.
Whether it’s becoming more resilient, less selfish, or more attune to another’s needs, your newborn changes you in big and small ways. How amazing is it to look back and see growth in our own lives? Motherhood makes us wiser, softer, stronger in so many ways and that’s definitely something to celebrate.
So hang in there, mama! You’re doing well! Yes this time is fleeting and it’s worth it to capture. Having these first days in photographs allows you to relive the moments that passed too quickly, gives your child a recorded heritage, and allows you to celebrate the growth you achieve when you enter into motherhood.
If you are ready to start planning your newborn session today, contact me and I’ll send over a guide to planning your perfect newborn session. Until then soak in those newborn smells, savor the gentle weight she is in your arms, and try to get some rest!